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All the latest from Host 99


Security Advisory: XSS Vulnerability Affecting Multiple WordPress Plugins

  • 25th April 2015
Multiple WordPress Plugins are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) due to the misuse of the add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions. These are popular functions used by developers to modify and add query strings to URLs within WordPress. The official WordPress Official Documentation (Codex) for these functions was not very clear and ...
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POODLE Vulnerability

  • 15th October 2014
On a day when system administrators were already taxed addressing several security updates released by Microsoft, Oracle, and Adobe, there is now word of a new security hole discovered in a basic protocol used for encrypting web traffic. Its name is POODLE, which stands for Padding Oracle on Downgraded Legacy Encryption, and it was discovered by ...
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Server 23 Security Notice (PHP 5.4 Server Update) (Server Disabled Permanently)

  • 26th July 2014
In order to better serve our customers, Host 99 is making an important upgrade in your server's default configuration. The default version of PHP employed by our servers will be updated to PHP 5.4. This change will ensure a more secure and stable hosting environment going forward. To help make this transition as smooth as possible, we are giving ...
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Server23 (Maintenance) Completed (Server Disabled Permanently)

  • 10th July 2014

Server 23 maintenance has now been completed. All email and spam controls have been updated and restored to fully functional status. We do appreciate your patience during this period.
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